Things that breaks my heart; CORD as it is right now is dysfunctional in its organization. It almost requires a miracle to win the presidency if election is declared today. The level of disorganization and lack of preparedness is shocking!
The sad reality is that the people of Kenya have given CORD the goodwill not once, not twice not thrice but severally, God has made Kenyans see just how the current govt has failed in its mandate.
All the by-elections conducted since last election, CORD has won over 90% of the seats while Jubilee has lost 96% of them. This is a clear testimony of the mentality currently in the minds of the electorates.
It doesn't matter how much tribal vitriol we pour on the social space and charged rallies including praises given to our coalition leaders; if we afford to maintain the current disorganization in our ranks then i may only pity the pain and agony Kenyans who are sick and tired will undergo.
Jubilee seem to be busy setting up all the necessary machinery possible for 2017 elections. In CORD, any new idea is thwarted and doesn't see the light of day. Information sharing even among those professing to be its patriots is censored from each other due to a mentality of meaningless competition.
In ODM for instance, an order of party activities is given to governors to implement yet we have elected party officials (over 2 millions of them nationally) who are suppose to push for party ideologies and programs except a few counties like Homa Bay which appears to be on top of things. When will others work?
I want, with utmost honesty, urge us to get our acts together or forget the Presidency! If we do,it's Kenya that shall have lost. We have lost billions of our taxes, we have lost many lives, we have lost a great share of hope and aspirations, many careers have been destroyed due to tribalism and negative ethnicity.
We are tired of bloodshed,we are tired of arrests, we are tired of crying, we are tired of ineptitude; we are sick and tired of being sick of incompetence.
Oyola D Oyola is a Political Analyst and the The Legal Secretary for Bungle La Mwananchi Kenya.
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