Wednesday, 26 March 2014

My Take on the Wage Bill-Nimrod Muyale

Analysing the recurrent is bound to realize we do about 1trillion..or just about how much KRA will collect. The 0.6 trillion for development is from loans domestic (tbill/tbonds)+ foreign (China+IDB+EDB)--90%,foreign AID and grants (about 100B--70B in AID).
Now zeroing on recurrent expenditure..about 30%..or 300B is NON- discretionary spending in Consolidated Fund...that we use to pay Loan interest +pension and others (like UN subscription).
The elephant in the house is discretionary spending... salaries and gov supplies.... 600-700B. TSC takes 150B. Free Primary education and subsidized secondary
takes 40B. Higher education (lecturers/student grants) takes 50B.
So 250B..or nearly 40% of the money goes to education. The next big spender is KDF at 70B
annually. The AP/Police/ takes in 60B. So security takes 150B. The next big spender is Drugs/Doctors/Nurses....who combined takes home 60B or about. Those are the elephant in
the house... nearly 500B is locked up in 3 and health...the rest of ministries,agencies,commission and parastals share 150-200B. For example
Parliament takes 15B..Judiciary about the same...each about 2% of recurrent= expenditure. Bottomline; You want to cut expenditure..reduce spending in education....reduce free primary and
subsidized secondary education. Remove corruption from way KDF can outspend Police/AP/Prov Administration. KDF and Education sector are weighing down kenya. KDF is top 4 spender in Africa..and i think no 17 in world..and they have laughable hardware. Audit those 70B.. no way 20-30K soldiers can spend that much. Remove some of investment in education...let the parent chip in primary schools and secondary school once