Sunday, 10 November 2013

Uhuru Will Use The Media Bill For ICC Purposes!Wise Man!-Ochengo Onguso

Not Even the media understands Uhuru's Stategy over the Media Bill!Find out.
The media bill is not just a law in waiting but something more. in politics, you have to master who can bring you down. second, how do you conceal your intentions for him/her to be led astray? Now here we go. The President was to go to ICC on 12th November. The presidency knows it is the media that can be used as a platform to spearhead the criticism of him going or not. Therefore, the bill comes not to be enacted but to divert the attention of the media from overt focus on ICC. The president when he fails to go between 12th November and 19th November will openly refuse to assent to the bill when the ICC discussions will be fresh. The media will naturally focus on a 'good, democratic president who has turned down a draconian media bill'. This will be a control on the role the media can play to ignite tensions over ICC...the strategy is, the president must take part in populist activities a week before 12th November and a week after to neutralize the ICC effect..turning down the media bill is one of the populist activities after 12th November. That is my Hunch...The president has smart men around him.