Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Advice to SONU Aspirants- Chad Bironga Makori, Sch of Economics, UoN

SONU. Once upon a time it was a very vibrant student body that ombudsmanned student rights. But not any more. The organization has been defiled by adversarial 'students' and almost at its death knell. It's been turned into a runway for showcasing flamboyance, extravagance, fraud and embezzlement skills all at the expense of the student, who's been left estranged. Majority of the students hail from outside Nairobi and its environs and of these most come from poor backgrounds. However, the beleaguered body no longer fights for its members some of whom have turned to immoral ways to eke out and sustain a livelihood within the expensive city lifestyle - that's a story for another day.

I know most of those leaders fattening from the SONU coffers won't agree with this but my 2 years in UON has taught me otherwise. SONU is a money laundering scam. Its rot starts from the campaign and election period. 'Washmentation' is common vocabulary paying credence to Mark Twain's quote: If voting counted, they wouldn't let us do it. Majority, if not all, of the student leaders buy their way to power or are elevated to power being the Administration's right hand men. With such 'famished' tigers at the helm, there is nothing like student activism or fighting for 'our rights'. What SONU does is offer a platform for devouring the resources that students fund for through their own subscription money. The same rot is recycled time and time again.
For example, UON has never had a freshers bash, cultural & entertainment event, a properly student-organised career talk (most of those held are never pushed for by the student leaders). Mr & Ms UON is never a competitive process - winning depends on how deep your fingers can delve into your pocket. Poor students have never benefitted from the students bursary - it is instead used to oil goons hands and replenish the leaders' bank accounts. The so called student leaders bask in the glory of the Accommodation crisis by liaising with custodians to rent out rooms at exorbitant and exploitative prices. Sometime last year when KTN hosted an event at The Graduation Square, the so-called student leaders and their night-club goons stirred fracas in an ugly on-air mêlèe evicting them from the school precinct for having not paid them.

Quoting one comrade Colin Albert, aside from the old guards who are repetitively vying for higher posts, the new entrants are also a mere toothless "impotent bunch" that take a go for 'our time to eat' burying their empty rhetorical promises in the eerie abyss of oblivion. SONU is run by a clique of unproductive politicians who have never done anything meaningful within their previous SONU positions but still have the indifference to go back to comrades and seek another term in a higher office. If you cannot make profit out of a single talent awarded to you, how do you claim that you would make money grow on trees if awarded another?

These guys are simply thieves in the pipeline. The hood rat thieves who keep on adding some fat around their waist with every step upon the ladder.

SONU is dead my friends, and that is a free tip to whoever cares. It's left for the hungry gluttons who want to feed more and fill their insatiable appetite for sex and money. Now that I mentioned sex and got your tongues wagging, y'all guys all know what goes down during those SONU retreats. It never gets printed in the COMRADES MAGAZINE 'coz it's well within the public domain so why waste the space?
My free advice to the  youngsters who think that SONU has some hope to offer for them in the near future, that's a dream in the pipe. SONU will never make you a leader. Neither will SONU make your dreams come true. If you are hungry or you are the glutton with insatiable appetite for sex and petty cash, then SONU is the right place for you! Get into into. No one will stop you. You will meet goons and hooligans of your own kind and before you know it you will be well lost within the sea, And LOST, I mean it.
You will be inclined towards your tribal affiliation. Soon we'll be hearing of you being in Jubilee or CORD.

If the body were disbanded, majority of the students won't even notice it happened because SONU doesn't champion student rights

Contribution from Albert Colin and Mahmoud Karama