Tuesday, 31 December 2013

New Year Message to my Fellow Compatriots-Oyola David, NUPOSA Chair, UoN

From the bottom and the deepest part of my heart, i want to wish all my friends the very best of the blessings tarried into the new year.
You kept giving me more reasons to find happiness,you have been my family,you have helped me better my career, you made me play very sensitive roles of counseling through various challenges via my inbox faced be the youths,various buddies got occupations in various organizations through my interactions with them, i received very high callings by being influential in the web and on the ground,throughout the republic,wherever i go, someone must have heard about David Oyola, thanks to you i enlarged my territories within us and other parts of the world.
I met so many folks,businessmen/women, politicians, pastors, students, ordinary youths, orphans, physically challenged and normal online fanatics.
Right here i have known what it means by 'online dating', am indeed all-rounded young,enthusiastic, hopeful, progressive, passionate and upfront young man. If there was any orphan out there or anybody who thinks that no orphan can make it, tell them Oyola David is a witness and a living example.
We can take our country to the next level,Kenya has such a potential, so rare i any parts of the world with its resources, beautiful women and handsome men, hardworking adults and very intelligent students.This endowment of human great resource can turn our economy around for the better.
I believe in the spirit of Africanism,we only have to work in fixing our leadership at every level, finding men and women who have the truest spirit of our country and the continent at heart.
I believe in our President and his Deputy,they posses such a potential tht we haven't witnessed in the past,i have no doubt in my heart that they  shall overcome,they will take our nation to the next level. I am grateful to the Prime Minister, he has shaped my life and taught me the meaning of courage and having a big heart.
My advise to the youths of Kenya, kindly reduce sycophancy, it's never good for you, work hard in anything little the Lord has put before your hand. Take education seriously, diversify your interests, pursue excellence,create networks, go over your phone-book,thoroughly VET those contacts and get rid of those that makes you err,they add no value to anyone,not even themselves.  If i wronged any of you,forgive me kindly, i have done it too.
Finally, Remember your creator in the days of your youth, He is the source of all wisdom,excellence and abundance.
May the Lord of Wisdom see us into the year 2014 and add into our trays many more years till the end.
God bless you,God bless Kenya God bless the world. Happy new Year!!
HD Oyola.