Saturated with stories of sexual escapades, secret rendezvous
and extra marital affairs, today’s media teach that immorality means freedom,
perversion is natural and commitment is old fashioned. Sex, created by God and
pronounced good in Eden, has been twisted, exploited and turned into an urgent
illicit, casual and self gratifying activity.
Love has turned into lust, giving into getting and lasing commitment into "no strings attached.
In reality, sexual intercourse, the physical and emotional union if male and female, should be a holy means of celebrating love, producing children and experiencing pleasure, protected by the commitment of marriage.
God thinks sex is important and scriptures contain numerous guidelines for its use and warnings about its misuse. Sex is usually mentioned in context of a loving husband and wife.
There was a man who was very wise. Very wise extending to the tendencies of people beholding. Its said that he commanded the insects and sent birds. He wrote an exemplary romantic or is it an erotic piece in his youth probably my age. Unfortunately he was obsessed with women, money, and pleasure long after writing these gems celebrated today worldwide.
A moving story, drama and poem, Song of Songs features the love dialogue between a simple Jewish maiden and her lover. They express in intimate detail their feelings for each other and their longings to be together. Throughout their dialogue, sex is put in its proper God-given perspective.
Much debate has raged over the meaning of this song. Some say it is an allegory of God's love for Israel or for the church. Others says its a literal story of a married love. In reality, it is both-a historical story with two layers of meanings. On one level, we learn about love, marriage and sex and on the other level, we see God's overwhelming live for his people.
Commit to see sex love and marriage in God's point of view.
Love has turned into lust, giving into getting and lasing commitment into "no strings attached.
In reality, sexual intercourse, the physical and emotional union if male and female, should be a holy means of celebrating love, producing children and experiencing pleasure, protected by the commitment of marriage.
God thinks sex is important and scriptures contain numerous guidelines for its use and warnings about its misuse. Sex is usually mentioned in context of a loving husband and wife.
There was a man who was very wise. Very wise extending to the tendencies of people beholding. Its said that he commanded the insects and sent birds. He wrote an exemplary romantic or is it an erotic piece in his youth probably my age. Unfortunately he was obsessed with women, money, and pleasure long after writing these gems celebrated today worldwide.
A moving story, drama and poem, Song of Songs features the love dialogue between a simple Jewish maiden and her lover. They express in intimate detail their feelings for each other and their longings to be together. Throughout their dialogue, sex is put in its proper God-given perspective.
Much debate has raged over the meaning of this song. Some say it is an allegory of God's love for Israel or for the church. Others says its a literal story of a married love. In reality, it is both-a historical story with two layers of meanings. On one level, we learn about love, marriage and sex and on the other level, we see God's overwhelming live for his people.
Commit to see sex love and marriage in God's point of view.